Autofactor vs. develop software yourself

Your process is unique. And you want to control it yourself and perfect it according to your vision. How is that ever possible with standard software? So you are considering building software yourself.

Custom software can be a solution and we are certainly not against it. But there are a few important considerations to make before you get started.

Lead time and risk

The main problem with developing your own software is the lead time. The process starts with determining what you want. Then you have to explain that to a software maker. Who then has to build it. A process in which many (expensive) specialists are involved and of which you never know exactly where it will end.

Software makers also tend to be optimistic about how much time something takes, which means that you will be faced with surprises halfway through your project. By that time you have already made large investments and you cannot go back without having to write off large losses.

Mobile app

In our vision, a mobile app is inautomotive absolute necessity. Most of the people you work with don’t sit behind a desk. They are outside on your premises, inspecting cars, repairing damage or driving for your carrier. Those people have no use for software that only works on a computer. If you opt for customization, then you also have to have an app built. It takes a while before you also earn back that investment.

Autofactor is the solution

With Autofactor you have less flexibility than with customization. Because you can adjust a lot in Autofactor, but not everything. On the other hand, Autofactor incorporates decades of experience from the automotive world. And that you can adjust a lot of things with configuration. You have a lot of freedom, especially in the course and automation of your processes.